The National Intellectual Property Rights Policy, aimed at creating a “Creative India; Innovative India” was approved by the Indian cabinet on May 12, 2016. It is noteworthy that this is the first IPR policy that was ever framed by the Indian government, the policy was enacted to ensure compliance to the Doha Development Round and TRIPS Agreement. Along with the IPR policy, the Government of India also prepared a Scheme for IPR Awareness, under which a professional body – Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM), was also formed whose primary objective is to create IPR awareness across India. The duration of the scheme is for 3 Years (April 2017 – March 2020), and the efforts by CIPAM are currently underway.

One of the main objectives, Objective 2 of the 7 objectives that were laid down in the IPR policy,was:“Generation of IPR”. More specifically, under this objective, the policy states:

India has a large talent pool of scientific and technological talent spread over R&D institutions, enterprises, universities and technical institutes. There is a need to tap this fertile knowledge resource and stimulate the creation of IP assets.

It is also desirable to introduce IPRs as part of academic curriculum in educational institutions, especially universities, law and technical institutions.

Shortly after the creation of the policy, the University Grants Commission, which is the central body governing the universities and is responsible for maintaining the quality standards, issued a notice on July 15, 2016 requesting universities and affiliated colleges to devise, through academic council, inclusion of the IPR as a genericelective subject under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). Read More

Intellectual Property Rights – A Reform Transforming the Education Sector By Amit Aggarwal
Co-Founder and Director, Effectual Services

Article was 1st published On Startup Success Stories