Gone are the days when going to “work” or running a “business” meant getting all bedecked, travelling to a building and spending the whole day there getting the job done. In today’s world, not all the people you see working from the table next to yours at a coffee shop are freelancers or self-employed and all of them thank the concept of “Virtual business” for this newfound sense of work freedom.
The Wikipedia definition of the term goes as follows:
“A virtual business employs electronic means to transact business as opposed to a traditional brick and mortar business that relies on face-to-face transactions with physical documents and physical currency or credit.”
The onset of the Internet opened the floodgates for virtual business. Almost 10 years ago, any company outsourcing its work to people working in another city could be called “Virtual” while the recent buzz regarding the term is all about allowing some employees to “work remotely”, and while the meaning of the phrase has changed dramatically over the years, the growth factor and adaption of its meaning has been nothing but positive.
is its website for promoting its business for sales generation. Websites are the most common targets for infringement lawsuits and if you are not cautious about it, you might end up losing your IP rights or be liable for infringement of the IP rights of others.
The risk of a company’s website’s look and feel being copied increases as the revenues begin to spike. The different he market.
According to our research, Amazon has filed more than 17,000 patents globally to protect such tools and other business methods till now. Out of these, roughly 20% protect the business methods adopted by Amazon.
Intellectual property: The growing factor for virtual businesses By Amit Aggarwal
Co-Founder and Director, Effectual Services
Article was 1st published On Dataquest India