Trademark Filing in India- Importance and Analysis of the Market
The Government of India has been taking significant steps to develop favorable arena for Trademark filing. With registered trademark, one can stop others from using the trademarked business name/logo/word with respect to goods or services. Trademarks serve as a mark for identification of good or services and provide a better way to reach out to the huge audience. Trademarks influence the customers’ purchasing decision, reputation and acceptability such brands represent. Trademarks function as a valuable asset as they serve as a life-long support for business expansion. Even the giant companies like Apple protect their important assets for the business by means of trademark.
Recent amendments in Trademark Rules 1999, notified in March 2017, not only simplified the trademark registration process but also removed a number of redundant provisions thus making the overall process extremely user-friendly. Major changes that were brought in by Trademark Amendment Rules 2017 include –
1) reduction of number of Forms needed to be filled from 74 existing forms to 8 consolidated forms.
2) Single application form isrequired to file all type of trademark applications.
3) inclusion of online mode of service.
4) concession in fees to start-ups, individuals and small enterprises.
Trademark Filling in India- Importance and Analysis of the Market By Amit Aggarwal
Co-Founder and Director, Effectual Services
Article was 1st published On Licensing Corner